The Fast Tracker is a user-friendly instrument, offering tremendous value for the money, while delivering effective performance over a wide range of conditions and applications.
The Fast Tracker will detect in extreme ground conditions from saltwater beaches to highly mineralized inland sites with no operator adjustments to the circuitry and with no loss of sensitivity. The Fast Tracker has offers 2-tone target identification for fun, easy discriminate capability. The Fast Tracker is easy to operate, highly rugged, comfortable, lightweight, and extremely efficient in the field.
- Automatic ground balancing to help „see through“ ground materials
- Easy to understand operation gets you started right away
- 2-Tone audio feedback so you can discover valuables and discard unwanted items
- Headphone jack with 1/4″ plug can be used with most headphones
Key Features:
- 7″ Coin Depth Detection
- 2′ Large Object Detection
- 2 9-Volt Batteries Required
- 7″ Closed Waterproof Coil
Austauschbare, wasserdichte 7,25″-Suchspule
Leistungs- und Empfindlichkeitseinstellung
Erfasst mĂŒnzgroĂe GegenstĂ€nde bis zu einer Tiefe von 17,8 cm